Spring Has Sprung!
As the weather warms up, it is only natural that we all head outside for sunshine and fun, especially our kids. So, this seems like a good time to quickly review safety regarding a warm-weather favorite: trampolines.
Trampoline-related injuries result in hundreds of thousands of emergency room visits per year. The most common injuries are sprains and fractures sustained in a home environment. Although inherently a risky activity, trampoline use is a fun form of exercise, and safety can be maximized by keeping in mind the following tips:- Nearly 2/3rds of injuries occur when there are 2 or more children on the trampoline at the same time. One at a time, please!
- Most injuries occur at the trampoline surface, so safety net enclosures give a false sense of security. Make sure children are supervised, and don’t rely solely on the “safety” net.
- Trampolines are not recommended for children under 6.
By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can help your patients (and children and grandchildren) enjoy their time on a trampoline in as safe a manner as possible. Happy Spring!
Reference: AAOS Position Statement: Trampolines and Trampoline Safety
Meghan Imrie, MD
[email protected]
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