Support your Western Orthopaedic Foundation!

Please consider joining your colleagues and giving…
The Western Orthopaedic Foundation, (WOF) was established in 2014 by Dr. Robert Slater. Dr. Slater, a past WOA President, understood the value of continuing education and research within the WOA and established a non-profit foundation to enable orthopaedists to give back to their profession. Tax deductible donations to the WOF continue to support advances in orthopaedic education, patient care, and medical research through grants and awards to orthopaedic residents, fellows, and young practicing surgeons in the most important years of career development. There are a number of ways to support the WOF, and hence the WOA, including named travel grants, annual gifts, endowments, or bequests.
What does the WOF do for you?
The WOF solicits and maintains the funds that support the Named Research Awards, the Best Paper Awards, and the Travel Grant awards you see presented at the WOA Annual Meeting. The WOF also generates and retains the funds which bring outstanding speakers to every annual meeting.
In addition, the WOF gratefully accepts donations from the membership to provide special Named Resident Travel Awards, named in honor of the donor or someone they wish to honor.
The WOF also funds 3 OREF Resident Research Grants, proposals from our regional residents that score highly enough to warrant funding but would not be because of insufficient OREF funds. Top-scoring grants submitted from institutions in our 14 western states are funded each year by the WOF using your donations and bequests.
Finally, the WOF provides additional travel grants to support young surgeons wanting to attend our scientific meetings, network with their regional leaders and experts, and participate in leadership and program development early in their career. We support lectureships that augment the quality of our meetings, and will be providing annual support to ensure that program highlights such as the Steel Lecture remain fully funded and wonderful!
What can you do for WOF?
Your annual donations and one-time gifts are gratefully accepted in any form: financial gifts; bequests; regular annual donations can be made on-line or by direct mail to the Foundation office. Your donations to our 501c(3) organization are tax-deductible. Most importantly, your contributions will be sure to fund activities and individuals from your own region and your own institutions, so you will know where your money is going to work!
The Western Orthopaedic Foundation is working hard to promote the science and art of your profession. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about our mission or in contributing to the success of this great Association, please call and let us know how we can make that happen. Call toll-free: (866) 962-1388 Online:
Special Thanks to those who’ve already contributed this year:
Jennette Boakes, MD & David Rives LA Chapter - WOA Western Slope Chapter - WOA
Nitin N. Bhatia, MD Paul C. Collins, MD John Itamura, MD Robert R. Slater, Jr., MD Lawrence Walker, MD
Basil Besh, MD David H. Chafey, MD Robert Eilert, MD Joshua Gary, MD Thomas Grace, MD Justin Haller, MD Jay Lieberman, MD William McMaster, MD R. Lor Randall, MD Lyn Slater
Frank Barnes, MD Julius Bishop, MD James Brooks, MD William Curtis, MD Michael Dayton, MD Alec Egan, MD James Flint, MD John Frazier, MD Thomas Grollman, MD James Hazel, MD Landon Horne, MD Ramon Jimenez, MD Cynthia Kelly, MD Todd Kim, MD Daniel Moon, MD Jeffrey Nakano, MD Kent Reinker, MD William Ritchie, MD Larry Sanders, MD Gregg Satow, MD Kathryn Schabel, MD John Scolaro, MD Frederick Sherman, MD Giselle Tan, MD Eric Tan, MD Daniel Valdez, MD Jennifer van Warmerdam, MD C. Patricia Winter-Valdez, MD John York, DO
Your support is important, and appreciated!