Maintenance of Certification Changes Announced
The Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA) has been advocating on your behalf for improvements to the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process.
This has resulted in the submission and passage of several advisory opinions, including our most recent advisory opinion presented at the National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference (NOLC) to abolish the 10-year high stakes recertification exam. As we looked to maintain momentum on this important subject, the WOA Board of Directors voted to submit a resolution at the Fall Board of Councilors/Board of Specialty Societies (BOC/BOS) meeting to “urge the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) to develop and implement an alternative process of MOC which does not require/include a high stakes recertifying examination.” This resolution was crafted in order to highlight the importance of this issue to the AAOS Board of Directors and to provide further support to the work being done by the AAOS MOC Task Force. We are pleased to report that we were able to withdraw our resolution since the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) has agreed and plans to provide the option of a web-based, longitudinal assessment alternative where yearly questions can be answered on your own computer. While this pathway still requires work and piloting, rest assured that the WOA will monitor the process and continue working to promote the best interest of WOA Members.Bryan S. Moon, MD
[email protected]
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This is another fantastic example of how the WOA works very hard on behalf of its members. There are a myriad of reasons to be an active member of the organization. Benefits of membership include the gains achieved by the crucially important advocacy work the Association does for all. Bravo !