Dramatic Growth in Resident Abstracts

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Dramatic Growth in Resident Abstracts

Many years ago, as a San Francisco Orthopaedic Program resident, I felt gratified and inspired after winning a WOA Vernon P. Thompson Award.

Resident abstract submissions over the past five years have increased dramatically: 43, 73, 90, 92, and 115. In response, your WOA Board has gradually doubled the number of accepted resident abstracts. Residents and young investigators have few such opportunities at national orthopaedic organizations.

Today, WOA offers residents and young investigators opportunities to compete for multiple awards to make presentations: from the podium, at rapid-fire sessions, or in discussion of scientific poster displays.

Our membership dues support these important programs.

John R. Tongue, MD
[email protected]

DISCLAIMER: Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the part of the officers or the members of WOA unless such opinion or endorsement is specifically stated. Materials may be reproduced only if Touches and the Western Orthopaedic Association are credited.

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Robert R. Slater Jr. - Thursday, April 27, 2017

This impressive growth in the number of abstracts submitted for consideration serves as testament to the tremendous work many people have done and continue to do to get the word out that the WOA annual meeting is an excellent venue in which to present exciting, cutting-edge science and research by the next generation of talented orthopaedic scientist-surgeons. Bravo ! -Slater

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