A House Divided
For the last 7 years, Republicans have anticipated repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). With a new administration, major changes to the ACA seemed inevitable. How is it then that House Speaker Paul Ryan recently declared that “Obamacare is the law of the land”? Suffice it to say that health care is such a polarizing issue that even the Republican House could not agree on how to disagree on aspects of the ACA ranging from essential benefits to subsidies.
On April 26-29, many orthopaedists will gather in DC to participate in the annual AAOS National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference (NOLC). Regardless of your political stance, I am sure we can agree that, with issues ranging from IPAB to regulatory burden, the ACA has much room for improvement. With a backdrop of much discord in DC as it relates to healthcare, there is no better time to provide a unified lobbying effort promoting access and quality care for our patients. Lincoln’s words from a much greater matter could easily be applied to the House of Orthopaedics — “We shall not fail - if we stand firm, we shall not fail.”
Please feel free to contact me with any input. I will report back to you after the NOLC.
Bryan Moon, MD
BOC Representative
[email protected]
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