SAE for WOA Members is Free
For many of us, Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is the “Sword of Damocles” hanging over our heads as we pursue our busy practices. As members of the Western Orthopaedic Association, we have a great partner to keep us safe from the sword while we focus on the best care of our patients – our membership in WOA.
The combined Eastern, Southern, and Western Orthopaedic Associations’ Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) provides 10 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for your MOC and is free to WOA members! To access the exam, submit the order form on the WOA Website and your login will be emailed to you. For assistance accessing the SAE, please contact: [email protected].
WOA Members may also earn up to 24 CMEs yearly through successful completion of the continuing education exams contained in your complimentary subscription to the Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances. Additional credits may be obtained by attending the WOA Annual Meeting which is both educational and fun!
If you have not already, you are encouraged to visit the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery’s site to learn about the requirements – the MOC process needs to be fully understood. Registering for MOC online as an orthopaedic surgeon who is pursuing board certification allows you to track your progress.
Paul Collins, MD
[email protected]
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