Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln
We can all draw inspiration from the courage of our country’s early leaders. As David McCullough said of history, there is “no better subject to get caught up in to understand what it is to be a human being, and particularly what it is to lead in any field.”
Although I believe George Washington was our greatest president, it is much easier for me to relate to the wisdom and words of Abraham Lincoln, who brilliantly led our nation through perilous times.
Ronald C. White, Jr., PhD will be this year’s Howard Steel Lecturer at the WOA Annual Meeting September 28-October 1 in Indian Wells, CA. He is a wonderful speaker and brilliant writer who lectured at the White House and was interviewed on the PBS NewsHour. Dr. White’s address, “Lincoln’s Sermon on the Mount: The Second Inaugural,” will enlighten and inspire us to follow Lincoln’s admonition to live…“With malice toward none; with charity for all…”
As a treat for the spouses, Dr. White will discuss, as part of the spouses program, the importance of teaching American history. For those who enjoy reading American history, I highly recommend Dr. White’s acclaimed book, A. Lincoln.
John R. Tongue, MD
[email protected]
Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln's_second_inaugural_address
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