Your Working Patients

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Your Working Patients

A patient’s job is an important part of orthopaedic treatment decisions, yet we often shy away from fully considering this aspect of our patients’ lives.

Your opinion as to causation, outcome, and expected future is a critical part of the recovery process. In my practice, I see many cases where these considerations are not dealt with or documented by the patient’s treating orthopaedist which often results in added expense and can negatively impact outcomes. If you are interested in learning more about workers’ compensation processes and care, consider a specific course such as the 18th Annual AAOS Workers’ Compensation and Musculoskeletal Injuries: Improving Outcomes with Back-to-Work, Legal and Administrative Strategies November 4–6, 2016 in Chicago. You will learn how to guide confused and frustrated patients through the system and lead them to an outcome that is medically, surgically, financially, and emotionally positive.

Keeping in touch with the broad scope of orthopaedic meetings, such as the Western Orthopaedic Association, expands our knowledge of new treatments available to help patients with workers’ compensation related conditions. The Western Orthopaedic Association’s Annual Meeting this year is in Indian Wells, California from September 28th through October 1st 2016.

Your patients will benefit and everyone will be happier!

Paul Collins, MD
[email protected]

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