The Western Orthopaedic Foundation: Exciting New Horizons

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The Western Orthopaedic Foundation: Exciting New Horizons

The Western Orthopaedic Foundation (WOF) is a newly created extension of the Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA). WOA is a not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization that conducts important education and advocacy functions for our members, including an annual meeting. In contradistinction, the WOF is now established under section 501(c)3 of the IRS code as a tax exempt organization
focused on scientific research and education.

Below are the WOF primary managerial functions:

1) WOF will manage the funds for the named research residents/fellow awards given to the winning papers at the WOA annual meeting: the Harold and Nancy Willingham Award, the Lloyd Taylor Award, the Vernon Thompson Award, and the Sanford and Darlene Anzel Award.

2) WOF will oversee the funds for the 3 Young Investigator Awards (for junior faculty) and the 3 additional WOA Resident/Fellow Awards.

3) In the future, WOF will fund research projects and offer grants for new, cutting-edge science.

Stay tuned for further information and announcements about how the Western Orthopaedic Foundation is working hard to promote the science and art of our profession.

Robert R. Slater, Jr., MD, FACS
[email protected]

DISCLAIMER: Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the part of the officers or the members of WOA unless such opinion or endorsement is specifically stated.



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