Unique Opportunities at the WOA Annual Meeting

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Unique Opportunities at the WOA Annual Meeting

While it’s easy to get engrossed in the educational components of each WOA Meeting, it’s important to also take advantage of its many valuable opportunities to engage with speakers and other attendees.

For example, at the most recent Meeting in Monterey, my wife and I had a chance to sit next to Paul Moses – author of The Saint and the Sultan, the story of a meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and the Sultan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt during the Fifth Crusade – and his wife, Maureen. We were able to sit down, learn about their life and discuss his book, which we learned serves as an intriguing commentary on modern times and gives hope for achieving a middle-ground between clashing religious worlds.

At this same Meeting, my wife and I spent time talking to John and Marie Kelly, neither of whom I’d ever met in person, though I’ve been reading John’s articles on physician burnout for the past 20 years. It was a pleasure to get to know them better, and I even learned that John has recently capsulized his thoughts in a new book (entitled The Resilient Physician: A Pocket Guide to Stress Management).

Attending the WOA Annual Meeting always reminds me that there is more to orthopaedic life than learning the latest techniques in our individual subspecialties. Ultimately, the science is driven by the people behind it. When your career is over, I think what you will cherish most from these Meetings is the time you spent connecting with your family and colleagues.

Jeffrey Nakano, MD
[email protected]


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