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Thank you to our orthopaedic leadership, including advocators on behalf of the WOA, for helping to usher in the ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment (WLA). The option to choose articles to fit my own practice and educational needs, reading and preparing on my own schedule, taking the exam without requiring travel to a testing center and immediate feedback on my responses all made for a non-onerous, non-disruptive process that served as a truly worthwhile learning opportunity. I found the informational sources valuable and easily-digestible (I chose one OKU chapter, two original research articles, four meta-analyses and seven review articles on tumors and pediatrics).

Once again, I applaud our orthopaedic leadership at all levels for the adoption of this new modality, and after completing it I will approach the next cycle with anticipation — not dread.

Jeffrey Krygier, MD
[email protected]


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