The Western Orthopaedic Foundation Announces Latest Resident Research Grant Recipient

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The Western Orthopaedic Foundation Announces Latest Resident Research Grant Recipient

The Western Orthopaedic Foundation (WOF) is pleased to announce its first 2018 Resident Research Grant Recipient, Caitlin Rugg, MD of UC San Francisco. Dr. Rugg has been awarded a grant to study “The Impact of Early Sport Specialization on the Collegiate Athlete.” With young athletes participating in organized sports at an ever-increasing pace, there has been a growing number of injures as well as “specialization” in sports played year-round. This continuous activity may lead to injury patterns and biomechanical changes in the musculoskeletal system, warranting in-depth study of major clinical significance to orthopaedists.

WOF’s partnership with the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF) affords WOF the opportunity to fund up to three Resident Research Grants a year for residents from the U.S. Western Region.  This venture increases the amount of OREF fundable projects that may not have been otherwise funded due to limited resources. The WOF is thrilled to have this opportunity to support local residents interested in research.

The WOF has awarded three grants thus far through the OREF, two in 2017, and one in 2018. The WOF offers its congratulations to all of its grant recipients on their tremendous achievements and looks forward to updates on their research efforts and findings at future Western Orthopaedic Association conferences.

If you or anyone you know would like to support WOF through a tax-deductible donation, please visit: Thank you, in advance.

Bob Slater, MD
President, Western Orthopaedic Foundation
[email protected]

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